What exactly is the Pelvic Floor?

Your pelvic floor can be thought of as a muscular hammock at the bottom of your pelvis that your pelvic organs rest upon. Though we often refer to your pelvic floor as just a group of muscles, it contains blood vessels, fatty tissue, ligaments, tendons, nerves and fascia - all of which can play significant roles in your pelvic health. There are 3 layers to your pelvic floor muscles.


Layer 1 | Superficial Layer

This is the layer of pelvic floor muscles that is closest to the skin, and they are responsible for sexual function and arousal. They also operate to help with closure of the pelvic openings - such as urethra and vagina.

Layer 2 | Middle Layer

The next layer lies deeper to the superficial layer, and also functions to help with urethral closure.

Layer 3 | Deepest Layer

This set of muscles is the innermost layer, containing the levator ani muscle group. The role of these deep muscles is to provide support for the pelvic organs by lifting.

Diagram of the pelvic floor

Image Permission for use granted by Pelvic Guru®, LLC to the author of this article as a member of the Global Pelvic Health Alliance (GPHAM). For information on access to illustrations, courses, and the largest global pelvic health directory, visit www.pelvicglobal.com


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