Foundations Pelvic Health Physical Therapist, Donna Chiao helping female patient stretch


Restore balance to your inner core and find optimal health with our personalized pelvic floor physical therapy services. We educate and empower you to discover pain-free movement & improved quality of life.

Boston Massachusetts physical therapist showing pelvic anatomy to postpartum mom in boston metro office

We believe everyone deserves to feel their absolute best.

We get to the root cause of your condition and provide you with the expert care and tools you need to make lasting change with our whole-body approach to pelvic floor care.

First, we get to know you and your health. We address your concerns, educate you on your pelvic anatomy, and examine your body and how you move. If indicated (and with your consent!), we perform an internal assessment.

Then we create a custom treatment plan to help you achieve your wellness goals.

Physical therapist with hand on center of patient's pelvis and core

What is the pelvic floor?

 Consider your pelvic floor to be a muscular hammock at the bottom of your pelvis that your pelvic organs rest upon. Though we often refer to your pelvic floor as just a group of muscles, it contains blood vessels, fatty tissue, ligaments, tendons, nerves and fascia - all of which can play significant roles in your pelvic health. There are three layers to your pelvic floor muscles including the superficial, middle, and deepest layers. Pelvic floor physical therapists are able to treat pelvic floor dysfunctions through an orthopedic lens, meaning we believe in the importance of assessing the whole body as it relates to the pelvic floor.